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Info Profile

Publisher Name

 :  Trends Research & Advisory


 :  Abu Dhabi


 :  97126440464


 :  marketing@trendsresearch.org


 :  https://trendsresearch.org/about-us/#director

Date of Establishment

 :  03/03/2014


 :  General

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TRENDS Research & Advisory analyzes opportunities and challenges at geopolitical, economic, and cognitive levels. The Center conducts research and engages in a constant endeavor to find scientific and objective answers to the global trends in a way that enhances the understanding of all its dimensions. TRENDS seeks to comprehend the impact of the issues facing the world, taking into account the different aspects of analyses and following the international standards set for scientific research. The Center seeks to build a network of robust partnerships with global research centers, governments, and non-government organizations, and institutions. It aims to benefit from international research experiences to enhance its academic performance at the regional and global levels. It organizes lectures, conferences, and symposia to ensure the exchange of research experiences and expertise regularly. TRENDS’ broad array of publications cover subjects of global interest and consequence.

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